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Social housing city center Meppel

On the former location of the Niermanschool in Meppel, 19 social housing rental homes have been completed. The new houses align with the surrounding buildings. For example, the houses on the Havenstraat have different façades and window frames, similar to the other side of the street. Furthermore, the roofs are at a right angle to the street and these have been provided with grey-blue roof tiles. The houses on the Kinkhorststraat have identical façades and the roof has been placed parallel to the street. These roofs were given orange-red roof tiles. This also aligns with the surrounding buildings.

All houses have two floors and an attic. They also have three bedrooms. The development fits in with the municipality’s policy to give as much residual locations in the city as possible, so-called infill locations, with an appropriate purpose.

architect: Arnoud Olie / client: RoodBlond / completion: 2016

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